Clear Day Therapy Las Vegas FAQ

  • Individual Session: $130 per 50-minute session

    Couples Session: $130 per 50-minute session

    EMDR Session: $130 per 50-minute session

    I maintain a uniform rate for all types of sessions—be it individual therapy, couples therapy, or EMDR. As I strive to give every client the same level of high-quality care and support, no matter the type of therapy chosen.

  • The number of therapy sessions required can significantly vary from person to person. While some may find a few sessions sufficient, others might benefit more from long-term therapy (over 20 sessions).

    Although you should begin to see benefits from the very first session, the typical process starts with 4 sessions aimed at identifying the core issues. This is followed by another 4 sessions deeper implementing what we’re learning in session.

    After these 8 eight weekly sessions, we assess progress and determine whether to continue at a reduced frequency or conclude the therapy.

    Often, clients later choose to continue working with me if new challenges arise down the road, or they find benefit from continuing their sessions.

    Together, we will tailor our approach to meet your personal needs and collaborate to help you make the best choices for your situation.

  • Currently, I do not bill insurance companies directly. However, your insurance plan may recognize me as an "Out of Network Provider." If this is the case, I can provide you with a bill to submit for reimbursement. Please verify with your insurance company whether you can pursue this option.

    Choosing not to work directly with insurance companies allows us to avoid the constraints and complexities of insurance-based systems, which often prioritize profit over patient care. This means I do not engage in disputes with insurance companies over coverage specifics, which can detract from the quality of care.

    Most importantly, I believe in the sanctity of the therapist-client relationship, which should not be compromised by third-party dictates. By operating independently of insurance companies, I ensure that your treatment remains private and is tailored exclusively to your needs, free from external interference in the therapeutic process.

  • If affordability is a concern, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am committed to ensuring that everyone has access to necessary mental health services, and I can provide referrals to therapists whose fees may better align with your financial situation. Everyone deserves supportive and effective care.

  • Please let me know at least 24 hours in advance if you're unable to make your scheduled appointment. This helps us manage our time effectively and possibly offer the slot to someone else in need. If you aren’t able to give enough notice, please understand that you will be billed for the missed session.

  • I borrow techniques from many therapy modalities based on your needs. Although, all clients will received compassionate integrative care. I believe in individualized and customized care, verses "one size fits all".